Megurine Luka

Megurine Luka

Got these awesome quizzes from Sano~

songs duh

Sunday 30 May 2010

finally :')

Finally,after 1 year~

i found pupil that knows about ANIME in this arab-country,they're like obsessed with:

Darker than Black,Death Note,Karin,Bleach,etc..

at least there's people that knows about it,I even have a friend in South Africa who knows anime

:D haa~life's good

oh~it's also a sad day today,because,i just knew that my best friend moved to Qatar a few days ago.He even said to me that he didn't even know that he's was leaving on Saturday :(

so,right now,he misses everyone in class,and i'm gonna be alone in french class :'(

ah~well~after a couple of days,it's revision week,then the finals :O



Thursday 27 May 2010

Phone got confiscated T_T


was supposed to be 'fun day' because there's SPORTS DAY,

for primary level -.-''


my phone got confiscated in class,because on the day those kids have sports day,is the day we also have school(i know it's stupid o.o).

it all started in math class,the meanest teacher misses 2+1=3,the wife of the person who controls the math department at school,heard my phone rang(my fault for not switching it off)it was like llllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then,of course,she took my phone,gave it to the supervisor outside,and MINUTES after that,another phone rang,it was my friend's,and of course she gave it to the miss

you wanna know what do they do with it???

they'll switch on your bluetooth,and well,search for anyone who has their phones with them.There was two pupil in our class had their bluetooth on,the first is,that jerk MUSTAFA and a girl,~Gabby~

so they gave their phones to the supervisor and bla, bla, bla~then our AQC came,(i have no idea what an AQC is-i'm still a noob at this new school)he was like,who has their phone here?!!,and so,7 mobiles got confiscated,the majority of them are girls.

Only 3 phones got into an envelope thingy and they ask parents to take them at the admin,one of the 3,are MINE,phew~thank goodness,and the other 2,my friends said that their gonna pick it up on Sunday--i think

~end of the story~

ohhhh and also,how do spell friends??? it'll be weird if i spell them wrong because my friend said it was suppose to be 'FREINDS' but i spell them 'FRIENDS'

so please tell which one is correct *desperate*


Saturday 15 May 2010


i love Shugo Chara =)

It is now 3:19 on radio Bahrain brought to you by Bahrain's specialists hospital,dedicated to your life's health,


i can't believe i memorized it...

ahhhhh wellllllllllll................

it's boring today......

that is why~

i spent the day,

to find my..


and i have periodic* on science in 2 days

*to whoever is  reading this,i have no idea what the hell is 'periodic' even my friends who have been in that school for like 4 years, doesn't even know o.o

well,i guess i left my science books under my desk,and guess what???


and science is the very first period of the day =)

isn't it great????

and i haven't done my writing homework yet,and social studies,anthology,i didn't review for Algebra(which is like sooooooooooo easy)


what yea,i haven't been going out for like 2 weeks,if i tell my friends about this,they will sooooooo freak out XD


that's basically it


au revoir~

Friday 14 May 2010

annoyed by this girl =.=''

I love this song!!!! it's from Megurine Luka 'Just Be Friends' and the nico nico chorus rocks too!!


well there is this girl

i'm gonna label her as 'M'

M here, has a boyfriend

but she likes someone else

when i told her 'Aren't you like cheating with your bf???'

and guess what...?

to whoever's reading this: what????

she said, '1 is not enough for me'

and i had the 'WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU' face on @.@

here are some facts about her

1.she's annoying
2.she's a guy stealer
3.she can't understand english or math or whatsoever

so yea,


she looks back and stares at boys and even the guy that i *USED to like

*i used to like him because he was funny =) not until 'M' came and butt into my business she even said that ''you know what? everytime when i talk to him it is as if he's in love with me''

that was the day that i finally snapped and scream and her (although it didn't happen~let's assume that it did)


so now,

a friend of mine likes this guy and i'll label him as 'alien guy'

well,i can't believe that he was my first crush when i first came to that school XD well enough about that~

this 'alien guy' is like my CLOSE FRIEND now

so yeah~i think on Thursday,'M' told my friend 'C' that 'alien guy' likes her(M) and somebody else

my friend was like pissed off and i told her to just forget about it~

on the same day after school on MSN i asked 'alien guy' if he really liked 'M' and he was like


(which is Taylor Swift) LMAO

I got my answer already

i don't think so that he's lying because,he doesn't even talk that much with 'M',so how could he fell in love with her??

stupid right?????


and also,

she lies a LOT

i hate her

now i'm stuck with her because the seating plan changed so i'll sitting behind her from now on'

i hate her =) *innocent face*

Thursday 6 May 2010

What happens after school............

As the title says~

Yesterday,the science miss asked me to help her with open day that's gonna come this Saturday

and well...

the science lab was a MESS!!!

so we have to clean up and stuff~

I can't believe i didn't notice that there were fishes and frogs(lmao)

back to the point,

when me and the miss was getting ready for the boards and stuff...

the math miss came and she spoke in arabic with and angry tone i guess, :|

the way she speaks was soooooooooo scary


then,this other teacher got mad at the science miss (i guess they were stressed )

and the science miss got a paper cut...................she ALMOST gonna say the 'S' word ...

but she didn't say it though,because she's religious

soooooo yea...........

we ate pizza

and that's it..........

around 5 p.m i went to music school and it ends at 6:30

i arrived home at 7 (because my dad was buying food)

weel that's about it i guess :|

Wednesday 5 May 2010

just read it >:( (nothing bad though)

ahahahahahahahah recently i've watched the new 'Kaichou wa Maid-sama' and it was like you could say the new 'Ouran High School Host Club' or 'Special A',it's really nice (although i've only watched 6 eps XD)

don't blame me that i knew it on facebook =.=''


i haven't talk about anime for AWHILE because of daily exams-which i get them daily

it's sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyday you have to study-study-study!!!!

if you fail this exam you're gonna fail the year--GREAT

i1t's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GAH!!!!(sorry i don't know what else to say)

and why the hell did i put '1' on MY it's?????? c'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(too lazy to delete it)


yesterday,i ALMOST loose my temper around my friends~(it's hard to be cool around them!!!)

you know why?

ppl who are reading this:why?


they.....hahahaha lmao can't tell you guys ~gomen~

and well,they did those stuff(don't get the wrong idea) in front of the boys and the supervisor(the person who gives us detention,sadly :'( ) was the damn Mr.Hitler(his nickname)

i said 'SHIT' out loud....

and in front of him too!!!!!

the boys that were there said 'oooooooooooooooooooooooh you are sooooooo gonna get detention!!!!!'

i feel like saying 'FUCK OFF' to them!!!

well,it's now 3:21 a.m...

and i'm a little bit sleepy now.....

good morning pplz


Sunday 2 May 2010

Sano-yan!!!! if you don't read this,a person from Tanjung Rambutan will come and kill u at midnight :') hahahahhaha lmfao


i read your post~and well when u said address--you mean house address?????????

ooooh and also download skype!!!!!

so i can talk to you with video call!!!

and i can finally see you again!~

ja ne~~~~~~~

Saturday 1 May 2010

new and old drawings :')

hehehehehheehehee i like undertaker the most :')